
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Gallium Nitride (GaN) HEMTs (High Electron Mobility Transistors)


50W C-band GaN
Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. (TAEC*) and its parent company, Toshiba Corp., announced the addition of a 50W C-Band gallium nitride (GaN) semiconductor High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) to its power amplifier product family

Gallium Nitride (GaN) HEMTs (High Electron Mobility Transistors) are the next generation
of RF power transistor technology that offers the unique combination of higher power, higher efficiency and wider bandwidth than competing GaAs and Si based technologies. With Nitronex’s commercial offering of GaN-on-Si products, this performance advantage is combined with the reliability, low cost and ease of use advantages of industry-standard silicon wafers.

DC and RF characteristics, modeling and circuits of GaN based power HEMTs. These devices are the focus of intense research, as they are a powerful alternative to GaAs pHEMTs for use in transmitter and receiver sections of mobile communication sets operating in the X-band. A power density of 12W/mm or higher appears practical for these devices, which can also achieve low noise gures (< 0:6 dB at 10 GHz) while maintaining a large breakdown voltage (> 60 V) and hence a large dynamic range. Very high
voltage (~ 1 KV) low frequency (f < 100 MHz) switching power control is also possible using this device. However, the technology of these devices is still in infancy, so that a number of processes and hot electron effect related reliability issues a ict this device. These issues have been pointed out. The discussion on technology considered various device structures, and critical fabrication steps including the all important material growth. The effects of passivation, device geometry scaling and temperature on drain current
and RF power were presented. It was pointed out that some of these effects, particularly those caused by thermal and electron heating, need numerical techniques for accurate modeling. However, simple analytical models were discussed, which are useful for preliminary design calculations of the device current and frequency parameters, and for simulating microwave power performance in circuit applications. Finally, a circuit configuration of this device for X-band amplification was considered by way of example.

Refer for more details below link
(GaN) HEMTs 1
(GaN) HEMTs 2
(GaN) HEMTs 3

(GaN) HEMTs ppt

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