
Saturday, June 30, 2012


Voice over Internet Protocol, a category of hardware and software that enables people to use the Internet as the transmission medium for telephone calls by sending voice data in packets using IP rather than by traditional circuit transmissions of the PSTN. One advantage of VoIP is that the telephone calls over the Internet do not incur a surcharge beyond what the user is paying for Internet access, much in the same way that the user doesn't pay for sending individual e-mails over the Internet.
There are many Internet telephony applications available. Some, like Cool Talk and NetMeeting, come bundled with popular Web browsers. Others are stand-alone products. VoIP also is referred to as Internet telephony, IP telephony, or Voice over the Internet (VOI)

Friday, June 29, 2012

Rover technology

Rover Technology adds a user's location to other dimensions of system awareness, such as time, user preferences, and client device capabilities. The software architecture of Rover systems is designed to scale to large user populations.

Rover-technology PPT1

Rover Technology 

Consider a group touring the museums in Washington, D.C. The group arrives at a registration point, where each person receives a handheld device with audio, video, and wireless communication capabilities. an off-the-shelf PDA available in the market today. A wireless-based system tracks the location of these devices and presents relevant information about displayed objects as the user moves through the museum. Users can query their devices for maps and optimal routes to objects of interest. They can also use the devices to reserve and purchase tickets to museum events later in the day. The group leader can send messages to coordinate group activities.
The part of this system that automatically tailors information and services to a mobile user's location is the basis for location-aware computing. This computing paradigm augments the more traditional dimensions of system awareness, such as time-, user-, and device-awareness. All the technology components to realize location-aware computing are available in the marketplace today. What has hindered the widespread deployment of location-based systems is the lack of an integration architecture that scales with user populations.

Rover technology tracks the location of system users and dynamically configures application-level information to different link-layer technologies and client-device capabilities. A Rover system represents a single domain of administrative control, managed and moderated by a Rover controller. Figure 1_ shows a large application domain partitioned into multiple administrative domains, each with its own Rover system - much like the Internet's Domain Name System" 2
End users interact with the system through Rover client devices- typically wireless handheld units with varying capabilities for processing, memory and storage, graphics and display, and network interfaces. Rover maintains a profile for each device, identifying its capabilities and configuring content accordingly. Rover also maintains end-user profiles, defining specific user interests and serving content tailored to them.
A wireless access infrastructure provides connectivity to the Rover clients. In the current implementation, we have defined a technique to determine location based on certain properties of the wireless access infrastructure. Although Rover can leverage such properties of specific air interfaces,1 its location management technique is not tied to a particular wireless technology. Moreover, different wireless interfaces can coexist in a single Rover system or in different domains of a multi-Rover system. Software radio technology3 offers a way to integrate the different interfaces into a single device. This would allow the device to easily roam between various Rover systems, each with different wireless access technologies.
A server system implements and manages Rover's end-user services. The server system consists of five components:
The Rover controller is the system's "brain." It manages the different services that Rover clients request, scheduling and filtering the content according to the current location and the user and device profiles.
The location server is a dedicated unit that manages the client device location services within the Rover system. Alternatively, applications can use an externally available location service, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS).
The streaming-media unit manages audio and video content streamed to clients. Many of today's off-the-shelf streaming-media units can be integrated with the Rover system.

Near Field Communication(NFC)


 Near Field Communication or NFC, is a short-range high frequency wirelesscommunication technology which enables the exchange of data between devices over about a 10centimeter (around 4 inches) distance. The technology is a simple extension of the ISO 14443  proximity-card standard (contactless card,RFID) that combines the interface of a smartcard and areader into a single device. An NFC device can communicate with both existing ISO 14443smartcards and readers, as well as with other NFC devices, and is thereby compatible with existing contactless infrastructure already in use for public transportation and payment. NFC is primarilyaimed at usage in mobile phones . 

 Near-field Communication (NFC) is characterized as a very short-range radiocommunication technology with a lot of potential, especially when applied to mobile handsets.Imagine yourself using your cell phone to interact with posters, magazines, and even with products while at the store, and with such interaction initiating a request or search for relatedinformation in real-time. Other usages of NFC include the electronic wallet to make paymentsusing your handset, the same way you do with your credit card. With NFC all this is possible. But NFC is still a young technology.

Near Field Communication(NFC)

Near-field Communication (NFC) is characterized as a very short-range radio communication technology with a lot of potential, especially when applied to mobile handsets. Imagine yourself using your cellphone to interact with posters, magazines, and even with products while at the store, and with such interaction initiating a request or search for related information in real-time. Other usages of NFC include the electronic wallet to make payments using your handset, the same way you do with your credit card. With NFC all this is possible. But NFC is still a young technology. That said, NFC-enabled handsets are being introduced into the market, and deployments and pilots around the world are occurring. 

Near-field Communication or NFC is a standard defined by the NFC Forum, a global consortium of hardware, software/application, credit card companies, banking, network-providers, and others who are interested in the advancement and standardization of this promising technology.

NFC is a short-range radio technology that operates on the 13.56 MHz frequency, with data transfers of up to 424 kilobits per second. NFC communication is triggered when two NFC-compatible devices are brought within close proximity, around four centimeters. Because the transmission range is so short, NFC-based transactions are inherently secure; more on this shortly.

When compared to the other short-range radio technologies, NFC is extremely short ranged and what I call people-centric. Some of the other short-range communication technologies have similar characteristics, for example RFID, while others are completely different yet complimentary to NFC; for example Bluetooth and Infrared. A good scenario of such compliment is the combination of NFC and Bluetooth, where NFC is used for pairing (authenticating) a Bluetooth session used for the transfer of data.

So-called breakout technologies come and go, with only a relative handful ever having a significant impact. NFC (Near Field Communications) technology is still pretty new, but it has the potential to be the next big thing in our personal and business lives.

All About NFC (Near Field Communications) Technology.


NFC is a wireless technology that allows two devices to exchange information. The current specification calls for the devices’ antennas to be within about 3/4 of an inch of each other.

This requirement provides one of the key benefits of NFC: security. Throw in data encryption, and it’s highly unlikely that Sam Spy can sniff the data in an NFC transaction. It’s this tight security that leads many people to believe that NFC is the hot ticket item in contactless payment systems.


Sony, Nokia, and Philips helped form the NFC Forum in 2004 in order to advance the standard, which is based on RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology. RFID uses passive electronic tags (essentially, electronic barcodes) to store data. When used in close proximity, the RFID reader supplies power to the RFID tag via magnetic induction; the tag then broadcasts its data to a reader.

NFC operates in a similar manner. Working in close proximity, an active NFC device uses induction to power a passive NFC tag. But the technology also works between two active or powered NFC devices, opening up more possibilities than just scanning fancy barcodes.

The NFC specification spells out how NFC devices operate, sending and receiving data using short-range radio transmissions at 1356MHz. It also defines the speed at which data is sent. NFC currently supports data rates of 106Kbps, 212Kbps and 424Kbps. (Not much faster than a modem from the early days of the Internet.) That’s ideal, because NFC data is usually very short; you wouldn’t use it to send a video to your srnartphone, but it’s a great way to exchange contact information with a client.

NFC works in three modes. Reader/writer mode lets your NFC capable device work with passive tags. Peer-to-peer mode lets two active NFC devices exchange data such as contact information. Card emulation mode lets an NFC device act like a smartcard, such as those used in transportation and ticketing systems.

Passive NFC devices only need an induction loop to pick up the necessary power from an active NFC device, a transmitter chip, which usually also contains the data that you want to share, and an antenna.

Active NFC devices add a power source, a transceiver (transmitter/receiver) chip, and an antenna. The part count is small, as are the sizes of the components, so NFC capabilities can be built into a number of devices.


There are many NFC-enabled smartphones available. Many models are currently only available outside the U.S., but they appear to be on the rise in the states. Google’s Android OS supports NFC technology, and Apple has obtained patents for NFC technology for its iPhones and iPads.

Google Wallet is one example of an NFC payment system

Google Wallet ( is one example of an NFC payment system. You can make a purchase at any store that accepts Google Wallet or MasterCard PayPass. Simply tap the payment terminal with your smartphone, enter your PIN, and the transaction is complete.


Although NFC is commonly associated with contactless payment systems, the technology has many other possibilities.

Contactless payment 

Smartphones can be more than just a replacement for credit/debit cards. You can use a smart- phone, or any device with a built-in computer, to keep track of your credit! debit card usage, including logging what you purchased, how much it cost, and where you bought it.

Stores can use NFC devices in place of loyalty cards and provide paperless coupons for customers. Thus, no more waiting in line behind a coupon dipper sorting through dozens of coupons.


NFC-enabled medical devices can monitor your health and even dispense medication. For example, the SleepTrak from iMPak Health uses an NFC device the size of a credit card to monitor your sleep habits. Attach the device to your arm at bedtime. In the morning, an NFC-equipped smartphone reads the card and sends the data to your doctor.

Other NFC medical devices in the works include diabetic monitoring systems that can communicate with insulin pumps and advise how much insulin to dispense after a blood sugar check.

Access control

Many businesses provide temporary access to their facilities. An NFC device, such as a smartphone, could act as the employee’s key-card. Employers could implement certain criteria, such as time limits that provide access only during business hours, or an expiration date that provides users access only for a day, a week, or a month.

Tickets and transportation

Some NFC devices let you store ticket information and purchases for a variety of services, from theater and sporting events to airlines, toll roads, and parking spots. At some point, you’ll be able to wave your NFC-enabled smartphone at a parking meter and be on your way.

With the Isis system, you can preload a virtual debit card on your smartphone or use a virtual credit card to pay for your travel. Simply tap a payment terminal in the transit system with your smartphone, and you’re on your way; no need to buy a ticket.


Companies can place passive NFC tags in catalogs, marketing materials, even posters for upcoming movies. If you want to know more, you can scan the NFC tag, which will direct your smartphone’s browser to the relevant website.

Inventory management

Combining RFID and NFC can lead to cost reductions in inventory control. Replacing costly REID readers with simple NFC smartphones will allow more personnel to perform inventory, reducing the time it takes and the dreaded inventory fatigue.


NFC is a promising technology. While NFC applications aren’t in the domain of consumers, it’s consumer usage that will be necessary for NFC to reach critical mass. That’s why 2012 may be the most important year for NFC, with Isis trials getting underway, and more and more smartphones incorporating NFC chips. It is possible that you may be able to use your next smartphone to buy your groceries, pay for your parking, and simplify your next medical checkup.

A History of E-Wallets and Near Field Communication Technology

Digital wallets use both online banking and near field communication technology. Early innovators in the field of online banking allowed people to pay bills and make purchases without having to reach for a credit card. Around the same time, firms like Sony, Nokia and Philips began to seriously develop near field communication (NFC) technology. NFC is based on radio-frequency identification (RFID) and allows two access points to share information with another merely by being close to one another.

You might have used NFC to pay for gas at the pump or to add friends to your social network using your phone. Soon, or so the proponents of NFC claim, you’ll be able to pay for everything using NFC on your phone. One main difference between e-wallets and other payment services is that the e-wallet is tied directly to your bank account.

NFC and the Digital Wallet Today

Digital wallets face two obstacles: Getting the public to start using them and getting vendors to start accepting them. Still, the limited use today doesn’t seem to stop any of the major players from going headlong into developing e-wallets further. Visa and American Express are both pursuing the technology. Google and Amazon, big players in the world of commerce, but not finance, also offer e-wallets to their customers. Starbucks allows user to tap and pay with their smartphone using an app.

More refers:

Thursday, June 28, 2012

hollographic versetail disc


An HVD (holographic Versatile Disc), a holographic storage media, is an advancedoptical disc that’s presently in the development stage. Polaroid scientist J. vanHeerden was the first to come up with the idea for holographic three-dimensionalstorage media in 1960. An HVD would be a successor to today’s Blu-ray and HD-DVD technologies. It can transfer data at the rate of 1 Gigabit per second. Thetechnology permits over 10 kilobits of data to be written and read in parallel with asingle flash. The disc will store upto 3.9 terabyte (TB) of data on a single optical disk.Holographic data storage, a potential next generation storage technology, offers bothhigh storage density and fast readout rate. In this article, I discuss the physical originof these attractive technology features and the components and engineering requiredto realize them. I conclude by describing the current state of holographic storageresearch and development efforts in the context of ongoing improvement toestablished storage technologies.

hollographic versetail disc ppt1
holographic versatile disc ppt2
holographic versatile disc ppt3

HVD report

What is Holographic Versatile Disc (HVD)?

Holographic Versatile Disc (HVD) is an optical disc technology, which would greatly increase storage over
Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD optical disc systems. It employs a technique known as collinear holography, whereby two lasers, one red and one blue-green, are collimated in a single beam. The blue-green laser reads data encoded as laser interference fringes from a holographic layer at the top of the disc while the red laser is used as the reference beam and to read servo information from a regular CD style aluminium layer near the bottom. Servo information near is used to monitor the position of the read head over the disc, similar
to the head, track, and sector information on a conventional hard disk drive. A dichroic mirror layer fitted between the holographic data and the servo data reflects the blue-green laser while letting the red laser pass
through. This prevents interference from refraction of the blue-green laser off the servo data pits and is an advance over past holographic storage media, which either experienced too much interference, or lacked the
servo data entirely, making them incompatible with current CD and DVD drive technology. Here discs have the capacity to hold up to 3.9 terabytes (TB) of  information, which is approximately 6,000 times the capacity of a CD-ROM, 830 times the capacity of a DVD, 160 times the capacity of single layer Blue-ray Discs, and about 12 times the capacity of standard computer hard drives as of 2007. The HVD also has a transfer rate of 1 gigabits.

Holographic Versatile Disc structure

Green writing/reading laser
Red positioning/addressing laser
Hologram (data)
Polycarbonate layer
Photo polymeric layer
Distance layers
Dichroic layer
Aluminium reflective l

How Holographic Versatile Discs Work ?

Holographic memory technology is not new. Developers have offered the improved storage capacity of this method that surpasses CD and DVD storage limits. Not only that, movement of data is much quicker and more efficient. The holographic method transfers data 40 times faster than the best DVD. Yet holographic versatile discs have yet to become the standard in commercial electronics. Why? Cost is one key factor. The complexity of establishing and using a complete system is another limitation.

Holography is at the heart of this unique memory-storage method. Holography records patterns of light and produces an object in three dimensions. This visible image is known by the name “hologram.” Holography wouldn’t be possible without a laser light beam split into a reference beam and the information beam. This latter beam passes through an image and takes the information about that image in light waves. When the two beams meet there is light interference at the intersection. This is recorded on a photosensitive disc.

Accessing this information means directing the beam to the hologram. The light pattern is retrieved and can be recreated elsewhere. The major difference between recreating a visible hologram is that in memory storage the holographic information is stored in digital form. The light and dark areas correspond to 1s and 0s in binary/digital method. This method can increase the amount of data stored from several gigabytes to 1 terabyte or more. Most detailed information about the holographic versatile disc indicates that the recording layer is thicker than on a DVD, for example.

One of the technical problems in making holographic versatile disc systems affordable lies with the complex systems necessary to get the laser beams aligned for accuracy. For this technology to work well the beams of light must intersect perfectly. Currently, the two beams are directed toward the image at different angles. Newer experimental technology focuses on sending the two beams on the same line, which means they strike the recording layer at the same angle.

Developers also struggle with the fact that the equipment and the discs will probably have to be proprietary, meaning that they won’t work with current technology.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Palm Vein Technology

With the increase in technology threat to personal data and national security had also increased .The methods that were developed to secure important information from outside intervention were not up to safe mark .There was a need to introduce a technology that secures our data more efficiently from unlawful intervention .
Fujitsu has developed a palm vein pattern authentication technology that uses vescular patterns as personal identification data .Vein recognition technology is secure because the authentication data exists inside the body and is therefore very difficult to forge. It is highly accurate.  This technology can be used in various fields like banking, hospitals, government offices, in passport issuing etc. Business growth will be achieved with these solutions by reducing the size of the palm vein sensor and shortening the authentication time. This paper is about the palm vein technology, its applications, how this technology is applied in real time applications and the advantages of using this technology.

Palm Vein Technology

Palm Vein Technology

An individual first rests his wrist, and on some devices, the middle of his fingers, on the sensor's supports such that the palm is held centimeters above the device's scanner, which flashes a near-infrared ray on the palm. Unlike the skin, through which near-infrared light passes, deoxygenated hemoglobin in the blood flowing through the veins absorbs near-infrared rays, illuminating the hemoglobin, causing it to be visible to the scanner. Arteries and capillaries, whose blood contains oxygenated hemoglobin, which does not absorb near-infrared light, are invisible to the sensor. The still image captured by the camera, which photographs in the near-infrared range, appears as a black network, reflecting the palm's vein pattern against the lighter background of the palm.

An individual's palm vein image is converted by algorithms into data points, which is then compressed, encrypted, and stored by the software and registered along with the other details in his profile as a reference for future comparison. Then, each time a person logs in attempting to gain access by a palm scan to a particular bank account or secured entryway, etc., the newly captured image is likewise processed and compared to the registered one or to the bank of stored files for verification, all in a period of seconds. Numbers and positions of veins and their crossing points are all compared and, depending on verification, the person is either granted or denied access.

Contact less Palm Vein Authentication Device:
The completely contactless feature of this Device makes it suitable for use where high levels of hygiene are required It also eliminates any hesitation people might have about coming into contact with something that other people have already touched.
In addition to being contactless and thereby hygienic and user-friendly in that the user does not need to physically touch a surface and is free of such hygiene concerns, palm vein authentication is highly secure in that the veins are internal to the body and carry a wealth of information, thereby being extremely difficult to forge.

What happens if the registered palm gets damaged?
There may be a chance that the palm we had registered may get damaged then we cannot use this technology, so during the time of registration we take the veins of both the hands so that if one gets damaged we can access through the second hand. When hand get damaged up to large extent we can get veins because deeper into the hand veins are obtained. When we apply this method we can maintain complete privacy .

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Night Vision Technology


Night vision is the ability to see in low light conditions. Whether by biological or technological means, night vision is made possible by a combination of two approaches: sufficient spectral range, and sufficient intensity range. Humans have poor night vision compared to many animals, in part because the human eye lacks a tapetum lucidum.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Virtual Retinal Display


A virtual retinal display (VRD), also known as a retinal scan display (RSD) or retinal projector (RP), is a display technology that draws a raster display (like a television) directly onto the retina of the eye. The user sees what appears to be a conventional display floating in space in front of them. (However, the portion of the visual area where imagery appears must still intersect with optical elements of the display system. It is not possible to display an image over a solid angle from a point source unless the projection system can bypass the lenses within the eye.).

Virtual-Retinal-VRD ppt-1
Seminar Ppt

VRDs are not commonly used in any one particular industry, but the range of application possibilities is such that researchers in many fields are experimenting with the technology. Immediate enthusiasm for some sort of media or telecommunications use has already seen developers produce computer and mobile device displays relying on VRD. These devices are generally intended for the consumer market.
Professional-use VRDs intended for the military and medical industry have been developed, but none have achieved operational use. Scientists theorize that VRD could provide help to soldiers who require communication and information resources while in the field. Technical military workers could also use VRDs to help assist with repairs through overlay technology. A repairman looking at an engine could use VRD to overlay a transparent image of the engine and determine where discrepancies or damages exist. Medical technicians could likewise use VRD to view X-rays or MRIs while treating a patient, or receive constant updates on patient vital signs while operating.